Return policy

If you don't like the item you received for whatever reason NOT having to do with a problem with the item itself, you can return it within 30 days after delivery.

How to return the item?

  1. Contact our Customer Support. Please, provide the order number for the item you want to return and the reason.
  2. Our Customer Support agent will send you the address of the seller that you need to return the goods to.
  3. After you send the goods to the seller, please, provide the parcel tracking number and a photo of the receipt to our Customer Support.
  4. Our Customer Support will proceed with the refund.

IMPORTANT: N&G does not cover the cost of shipping the goods back to the seller in China.

contact Customer Support at mail : 

point the item you would like to send back to the merchant
Describe your situation and ask for the seller's address.


Pay attention if:

  • more than 30 days have passed since the goods were delivered to you;
  • you sent the goods without having received the seller's address from our Customer Service;
  • you weren't able to provide a valid tracking number.

The money will be returned to the account from which you paid, within 7-14 days after the order changes its status to "Refunded." This is due to card processors and banks having variable processing times for transactions - on our side the cancellation happens immediately If you do not see the money due to you for a refund after 14 days have passed, please let us know and we will figure out what happened.

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